اختبار الانجليزي للصف الرابع الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الاول اسئلة اختبار منهج انجليزي top goal رابع ابتدائي ف١ للعام 1446 على موقع حقيبتي عرض اونلاين بدون تحميل pdf
How was your first vacation abroad?
My little brother is very naughty.
Find the mistake in each sentence and rewrite it correctly.
نموذج اختبار الانجليزي رابع ابتدائي منتصف الفصل الاول مع الحل
My little brother is kind . He always feeds dogs.
Saud and Asma love their grandchildren. Their grandson / son Faiz is very tall.
Read and complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
اسئلة انجليزي رابع ابتدائي pdf الفصل الاول
Rewrite the sentences using the correct adverb of frequency.
What is the most difficult subject for you ?
Which food do you think smells terrible?
What school subject is more difficult at school?
How often do you walk in the park?