اختبار استماع نهائي انجليزي اول متوسط الفصل الثاني 1446

اختبار مادة استماع الانجليزي للصف الاول المتوسط الفصل الثاني لعام 1446 عرض مباشر وتحميل بصيغة PDF نموذج اختبار نهائي استماع انجليزي اول متوسط ف2 على موقع حقيبتي
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اسئلة استماع انجليزي اول متوسط مع الحلول الفصل الثاني 1446
نماذج اختبار استماع الانجليزي نهائي اول متوسط ف2
Listen and circle the right answer:
1. What is Ryan doing?
He’s drinking a cup of tea – milk – coffee .
2. What time does Amal usually get up?
She usually gets up at 3:15 – 5:30 – 4:30 .
3. Do you like math? Yes, I do. It’s great.
I think it’s easy – boring – difficult .
4. There’s a rug under – behind – in front of the sofa.
5. Where do you live?
I live on Main – Park – 52nd Street.
6. The kitchen is small – modern – beautiful .
7. Is there a café near here?
It’s next to the bank – bookstore – supermarket
Write ✅ or ❎ :
8.The restaurant is closed on Saturdays.
9. Omar is fourteen years old.
10. Lee is from China.
اختبار نهائي استماع انجليزي اول متوسط الفصل الثاني
Listen to the audio carefully then:
1) An actor works in a………….
A. restaurant B. theatre C. hospital D. hotel
2) A…… fixes people’s hair.
A. firefighter B. engineer C. doctor D. barber
3) If you are good with your………, you can be a carpenter.
A. hands B. legs C. eyes D. ears
4) A sport coach teaches …….. skills to teams. A. computers B. subjects C. sports D. hobbies
Listen and circle the right answer:
1. What are Frank and Jason doing?
They’re eating
snack – breakfast –sandwiches .
2. What do you usually do after dinner?
I usually read books – watch TV – do my homework .
3. Where’s the English school?
It’s near – next to – across from the supermarket.
4. The speaker favorite teacher
is the math – history – science teacher.
5. The neighborhood is
noisy – great – modern .
6. His father is a
designer – mechanic – lawyer .
7. Jeffrey goes to school
by car – by bus – on foot .

حل اختبار استماع الانجليزي الصف الاول المتوسط الفصل الثاني ١٤٤٦
اسئلة استماع انجليزي صف اول متوسط نهاية الفصل الدراسي الثاني pdf
نموذج امتحان استماع انجليزي اول متوسط نهائي الترم الثاني
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